Tuesday Dec 01, 2020

Janeane speaks with award winning writer-director Sean Michael Beyer

Award winning writer-director Sean Michael Beyer knew there was always a national “something” to celebrate, whether it be Tacos, Postal Workers, or Step Children, he created a podcast to celebrate, and occasionally educate, in his own style of sardonic humor. National Day Riff combines each of the day’s celebrations into a single humorous presentation, delivered as a slick podcast with music, sound design, voice characterizations and an opinionated host with a mind of his own. Each dose (episode) averages 7:00 minutes in length, with some as short as :90 seconds and the more epic doses as long as 17:00 minutes. Each begins with the Host introducing the day’s celebrations, then it takes off in a variety of different directions: Character Interaction, First-Person Narrative, Laundry List, The Rants, The Voice of Reason (keeping Sean and the various characters in check), or an assorted Potpourri of two or more. Above all, it’s in the best of fun!

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