Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Amy B. Chesler is author of an award-winning blog and the new true crime memoir, Working for Justice: One Family’s Tale of Murder, Betrayal, and Healing, and published by Post Hill Press (and distributed by Simon & Schuster) on April 6th, 2021. In the book, Amy discusses her mother’s murder, and the harrowing efforts it took to imprison her admittedly guilty killer.
With Working for Justice, she talks about mental health, violence, & the way our social services protect or enflame each. She wrote this book in an effort to spread awareness about victim’s rights and the often difficult procedure of securing them.
When beloved educator Hadas Winnick was murdered, her sleepy, affluent hometown of Calabasas was rocked to the core. More shocking than her killing, though, was the process of convicting her admittedly guilty murderer. Calabasas is a quiet, well-to-do California town often referred to as “The Bubble.” But on September 25th, 2007, that bubble burst with the murder of one of its longtime residents—high school math teacher Hadas Winnick. The upscale community may have been deeply affected by her gruesome death, but as shocking as the tragedy seemed, the years of abuse she faced that preceded it were more so. Even more devastating still, was the effort and time it took to sentence her murderer to prison, and the power that our systems-in-place allowed him while on his way there. Follow Hadas’s daughter, award-winning blogger Amy Chesler, on her often heart-wrenching—but eventually heart-warming—road to justice.
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
From Life Adrift to Life Coach
I understand your pain. I was there. I’ve lived in the darkness and depths of roaring pain. Years of struggles and suffering obscured my perspective and my path. After years of moving through life with a heavy soul, I realized how my vulnerabilities impacted my choices and in turn my choices impacted my everything. I then discovered the light of mindfulness, awareness, and wakefulness.
“Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.”
My inspiration and drive toward the light came from persistence through the depths of pain and the understanding that joy is a choice. When we live mindfully, awake and aware, we are able to experience peace and joy in a new way. We cannot change what life hands us, but we absolutely can change our response to it.
Tikkun Olam
I have healed so I can help others heal. It is my privilege, my honor, and my duty. In Hebrew, “tikkun olam” (tee-koon oh-lom) means “repair of the world,” and I believe that when we save one life, we begin to repair the world.
“A life full of experiences led to a life full of light.”
I was born and raised in Washington, DC, and am now based in Sarasota, FL. I was educated at Sidwell Friends School, Boston University, and Marymount University. I earned my degree in Developmental Psychology. I am a Certified Life Coach, specializing in mindfulness, mental health, and trauma.
I have found that living near the water has been soul-healing. I love walking on the beach, breathing in the glorious sunsets, and admiring the non-judgmentalness of the surf…the waves that engulf you regardless of who you are.
I love: family and dear friends that become family, dogs, crochet, dessert, the strength and breadth of love.
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Dr. Kim Perkins - Speaker, Author, Coach joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm
In Kim's own words...
I’m a former pro speedskater and former journalist. I have a Ph.D. in positive organizational psychology, the science of optimum human experience at work.
I give intriguing and inspiring keynotes on positive psychology, women in leadership, and the complexities of diversity.
I lead interactive, fun workshops on all matters pertaining to leadership, culture, problem solving, and communication.
And I coach executives and entrepreneurs at key moments in their careers.
Dr. Kim Perkins Speaker, Author, Coach - www.kimperkins.com
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
SINCE: THE BOMBING OF PAN AM FLIGHT 103 is now streaming on multiple video-on-demand platforms
The feature documentary film on the 1988 Lockerbie bombing is now available to rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Apple TV, Google Play, and Vudu.
If you like the film, please rate/review it on your viewing platform, like us on Facebook, share on social media, and tell a friend. Word-of-mouth will help us reach more viewers, and will help keep the important story of Pan Am Flight 103 alive for future generations.
Phil Furey
Director, Since: the Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
The four-time New York Times bestselling author and host of PBS’s “Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan,” shares her first book for children, a picture book with a timely message that celebrates the people in our lives and the meaningful connections we make that come from asking each other questions. Perfect for graduates of any age and people longing to preserve and make personal connections in this age of an isolating pandemic, HELLO WORLD! serves as a reminder that the journeys we take through life are all about the people we will meet along the way—people who will make us smarter and stronger, enriching our lives in more amazing ways than we ever thought possible.
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
In THE AGITATORS: Three Friends Who Fought for Abolition and Women's Rights, Dorothy Wickenden--longtime executive editor at The New Yorker--traces the history of women's progressive politics in the US through the lives of Harriet Tubman, Martha Wright, and Frances Seward. Before women could be elected and participate in Congress, they made their impact behind closed doors--and readers get the story of abolition, the Underground Railroad, the early women's rights movement, the Civil War, and much more, told from the letters the women wrote to each other. It extends over 40 years--from the time when Tubman was still enslaved to two decades after the Civil War, in a radically changed United States.
Dorothy Wickenden is the author of Nothing Daunted and The Agitators and has been the executive editor of The New Yorker since January 1996. She also writes for the magazine and is the moderator of its weekly podcast The Political Scene. A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard, Wickenden was national affairs editor at Newsweek from 1993-1995, and before that was the longtime executive editor at The New Republic. She lives with her husband in Westchester, New York.
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
WOMEN IN WHITE COATS by Olivia Campbell--a book about the little-known true story of three pioneering women who fought to become the first women doctors, revolutionizing healthcare forever!
How the First Women Doctors Changed the World of Medicine
by Olivia Campbell
A powerfully illuminating read, for fans of The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks and Hidden Figures.
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Angela Howard, on her debut memoir, Sin Child (March 31, 2021). Angela’s story is one of tragedy and loss that left her suffering from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), a type of PTSD. Despite her traumatic upbringing, Angela was able to catapult herself into a life of advocacy for herself and others experiencing ACE and PTSD, and continues to utilize her platform through her writing.
Angela talks about:
Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the meaning of ACE scores
The correlation between childhood abuse and PTSD
Her experiences as a nurse and psychiatric nurse
The need victims feel to forgive or “put things right” with their abusers
The term “sin child,” which her estranged, conservative Mennonite family members use to describe children born out of wedlock
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Martha Beck, New York Times bestselling author of Leaving the Saints, Expecting Adam, and Finding Your Own North Star writes in her new book: “Integrity is the cure for psychological suffering. Period.” Her new book is a step-by-step guide anyone can use to find a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. Beck shares how to achieve harmony within ourselves and explains why integrity is the key to a meaningful and joyful life.
The New York Times bestselling author of Leaving the Saints, Expecting Adam, and Finding Your Own North Star Martha Beck returns with a new book on achieving harmony within ourselves, THE WAY OF INTEGRITY: Finding the Path to Your True Self (The Open Field/Penguin Life; On Sale: April 13, 2021; Hardcover; $26). A book uniquely suited for our troubled times, THE WAY OF INTEGRITY explains why integrity is the key to a meaningful and joyful life.
As Beck says in the book, “Integrity is the cure for psychological suffering. Period.” THE WAY OF INTEGRITY is a step-by-step guide anyone can use to find a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. THE WAY OF INTEGRITY explains that our culture teaches us specific rules for navigating society successfully, and in following these rules, we begin to split ourselves from our essential beings, our deepest truths. That’s what it looks like to lose our integrity, and to regain it is to recover that deep truth and become whole again—even if it risks alienation from others. To help us find our way back to full integrity, Beck uses an unlikely guidebook: Dante’s The Divine Comedy (which she calls “the first great self-help book”). Using Dante’s classic hero’s journey as a framework, Beck breaks down the process of attaining personal integrity into small, manageable steps, and demonstrates how to read our internal signals to lead us towards our true path.
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Award-winning author Dr. Antonio Gomes shares his book, Have a Heart (Serving House Books, September 2020) explores the intertwined romantic and professional lives of three individuals. It explores a torpid romance between a patient, Anna, and her doctor, Ali, the clash of cultures, the political upheavals of our times, the tribulations of waiting for a heart transplant, and the search for inner truth. Fans of dance and the performance arts, films like The Red Shoes and Black Swan, and shows like ER and Grey’s Anatomy will love diving into this story.
Have a Heart is perfect for fans of dance and the performance arts, films like The Red Shoes and Black Swan, and shows like ER and Grey’s Anatomy. It’s engaging and heartwarming storytelling keeps readers interested from the start and hooked on every twist. A mix of cultures and historical moments make it easy for readers to connect.